Play with the logo<"> Slovakia's 2016 Presidency of the Council of the European Union

June 2015 archive

Fourth meeting between countries who will take over EU presidency in 2016-17

The Trio that will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union between January 2016 and June 2017 – the Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta – held further talks today in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Following the last meeting of the Trio held in Malta in March 2015, talks in Slovakia continue to define the common agenda which will be addressing the main issues that the Council will be dealing with throughout the 18 months..


Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic on the documentary film of the Russian television about the 1968 invasion

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic has been unpleasantly surprised by the misleading presentation of the invasion of the Warsaw Pact armies in Czechoslovakia in 1968 in the documentary “Warsaw Pact - Pages Declassified” broadcast by Russian state television Rossija 1 on May 23, 2015.

In the parts concerning the military invasion and the subsequent 20-year occupation of Czechoslovakia by Soviet armies, the documentary used misrepresentations and old ideological clichés...

Broadcasting this documentary, which attempts to rewrite history and to falsify historical truths about such a dark chapter of our history, damages the traditionally good relations between Slovakia and Russia.


Vorsitz im Rat der Europäischen Union Présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne Az Európai Unió Tanácsának elnöksége Presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea Prezydencja Rady Unii Europejskiej Presidenza del Consiglio dell'Unione europea Formandskabet i EU Presidência do Conselho da União Europeia Predsedníctvo Rady Európskej únie Председателство на Съвета на ЕС Προεδρία του Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Euroopa Liidu eesistujariik Prezidentūra Eiropas Savienības Padomē Euroopan unionin puheenjohtajuus Voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie Prezidanto de la Konsilio de la Europa Unio Головування в Раді Європейського Союзу