A binary log (a blog) is a piece of content which the blog's author disseminates through a certain medium with an intention to attract the interest of human and artificial agents which are presently active in the cyberspace.
A digital log (a dlog), however, is more than that: dlog is not only about content, but also about the medium itself which carries the message. Hence, dloggers do not just publish some content: dloggers deploy - in the most technical sense - a medium through which they shall disseminate their message.
In this sense, dlog is more similar to a tactical medium than an ordinary blog.
In theory, the terms tactical medium denotes a form of media activism that privileges temporary, hit-and-run interventions in the media sphere over the creation of permanent and alternative media outlets. Tactical media describes interventionist media art practices that engage and critique the dominant political and economic order. [Source]
In practice, TM artists deploy their technical skills in order to maximize the probability of occurrence of a certain cognitive and social transformation by means of contextualized dissemination of certain informations.
What? You said art? What does the SK PRES 2016 has to do with art?Yes, art. Domains sk16.eu, 2016sk.eu, as well as their subdomains are to be understood as a piece of new media art, a sort of virtual Entropa.
It means that we consider as important to publicly and transparently inform the widest possible European public (including diverse journalists, diplomats, analysts etc.) about certain characteristic of the moral profile and domestic practices of men who were supposed to be guardians and protectors - from July 2016 until January 2017 - of one of main pillars of the European project.
Turn towards new technologies (artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, nuclear fusion) and stimulation of Turkey's EU accession process and catalysis of Europe-wide response to refugee crisis which is consistent with three moral pillars (diversity, liberty, solidarity) upon which the Europe stands.
Other objectives are described in this presentation (use arrow keys or blank space to move between slides).
We repeat: the objective of sk16.eu project is not to be sought for in the present, it is to be fully understood during the unfoldment of our common endless future.
Blogs are ephemeral, dlogs are perennial. Temporal interval during which an average blog attracts visitors is normally not more than few days. In case of dlog, the objective is to make such temporal delta as big as possible: by doing so, dlog's author increase the probability that log's contents shall get, indeed, inscribed onto pages of History. Blogs are not more than virtual pamphlets predestined to be forgotten. Dlogs are time capsules.
As such, it shall aim to stay online as long as possible as a sort of memorial for future generations - a memorial about Slovakia and Europe and a sort of time capsule informing future datasphere archeologues about pride, ignorance and lack of education of some people who got into position of governing our beautiful country and our wonderful continent.
And if it does not bother You but You are simply curious, then read the 2010 paper to initiate Yourself into Pagerank problematics.